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01 August, 2008

How Resume (not)/attracts employers?

This is share knowledge for your reference..

There are many types of employers, in this part what we are discussing is the first sorter which is Human Resource Department - Staff. Many HR staffs is accountable and reliable but we can not control that NOT all of them are professional enough to have a good mood every single day.

This is the first reason why we need to make a good FIRST Impression of our application letter. If they ask for a cover letter or application letter, you must ensure that your

Our resume will depend of the first sight of the receiver and the reviewer, whether the employer international company or local company if they put the advertisement in English BUT your resume in Bahasa, then the reviewer will take your resume for granted, no matter how good is your skills and your experiences, especially for senior and upper positions. Unless stated otherwise eg. "English passive only" in the advertisement.

GOLDEN RULE: Pay attention to the detail! (Job Advertisement)

Ensure that your resume is in professional format when you apply for official work. In this case you can you a professional resume template or use resume wizard provided by Microsoft Office. The template should be in C:/Program Files/Microsoft Office/Templates of your computer.

Lets review it from the top:

Heading -first part of resume-, you will need to put:
  • Nice and professional photograph ; DO NOT put any picture that is not in professional form, eg full body with style unless you are applying for a model or actor/actress. Picture most of the time is everything for the reviewer, some of them will judge the FIRST impression from your picture.
  • Your contact detail ; put your detail full names; full address; contact number and email address. DO NOT make any mistakes of this part as this part is CRUCIAL for the employer.
  • Draw a line after this headings (resume template should have this lining already)
    Objective - explain briefly of your objective. Do not put too many sentences in this part.
    Experiences - start with you current or recent experiences:
    Month/Year to Month/Year Company City / Location
    eg. 1990–1994 PT XYZ Indonesia Southridge, SC
    Position Held or Job Tittle
    Detail responsibilities / achievements
  • Sample given in the templates in only about achievements but giving your detail responsibilities in this part of resume is HIGHLY ADVISABLE. This part if CRUCIAL PART of the resume, as the employer will see whether you suits for the job vacant based on this part whether match with requirements or criteria they are looking or NOT.
  • Education - Same as Experiences, you should start with your recent educational background. NO NEED to put all from elementary school. Just put the major education start with Master, Degree and Diploma.
  • Add your informal education eg workshops, courses, seminars etc after eduction. put additional part below Education eg. Informal Eduction or Courses/Seminars etc.
    Next one is Current/Expected Benefit, this is a MUST! Why? Every employers has budget for their recruitment plans, your detail of this will be very useful for the employer NOT to waste your time and theirs. eg. They only have budget for IDR 2million but at your current employment you are getting IDR 4million, then no need to call you in for interview if the company is a "budget concern" company.
  • Remember to put in bracket of your expected benefit whether your expectation is (negotiable) or NOT. This also for the employers' justification to process you further.
    You can also provide your Personal Info at the bottom of the resume, your status etc.
    Same as personal info, referee not necessary to be put on resume as can be provided later before the interview (eg fill in a application form) or at the end of final process.

Fail to plan is PLANNING to FAIL !!

Thats all! Once again Pay this forward to your colleague and friends! Email me if you have questions or need to get advice on your application letter!

Hope the above useful for you. If you need further advice, let me know in the comment or send me email..I will be happy to help.

"If you ever get help from other, help much more people in return"
Lets spread Trevor McKinney believes (PAY IT FORWARD) to your friends and families.
Ihsan for Pay It Forward Comunity - Jakarta
email address

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